Friday, December 12, 2008

Let's Balance it Out..

In contrast to my last post I thought I would list some things that make me happy--just to prove I'm not always a downer.

--I love when it gets dark at around 4pm. Some people find it depressing, but I really like it! Then it gives people more of an excuse to turn their Christmas lights on outside which I also really enjoy. I'm just glad I don't have to help put them up or take them down.

--I thoroughly enjoy the smell of books. It's not just a paper smell; I have more than enough experience working in a copy center and that smell doesn't make me happy. I'm a book sniffer. It comes with a lot of funny looks from any witnesses, but I'm ok with that.

--Lighting candles all around the house. Not only does it mask the smell of our lovely canine friends, but it gives a happy atmosphere.

--The guy that lived in this house before us never cancelled his subscription to National Geographic nor changed his address. Reid and I have quite the collection sitting in the bathroom. Free maps are cool.

--My stepmom Barbie taught us how to lamp work so now I can make my own glass beads whenever we can get to Spokane! AND I miraculously didn't burn myself in the process. I've been wearing my 2 beads that I made during our last visit lately as they both turned out red and I own a lot of green clothing. Holiday spirit and all, but this is my way of doing it without a garish sweater covered in sparkle snowflakes and pom pom snowmen. Or snowwomen. I don't discriminate.

--I love watching What Not to Wear. I love watching Stacy and Clinton make fun of people before they get helped. It is hilarious. Reid says he doesn't like it, but he secretly does.

--There's a lady who works at the bookstore with me (I'm not sure which department as it is a BIG bookstore with a lot of different sections) and my first day I was in the breakroom at the same time as she was. There is one little trash can with a tiny amount of counter space near it. She was hogging both the counter space and the little trash can by peeling her orange. I needed to unwrap and throw away the packaging for my microwaved 'gourmet' meal, so I set my stuff on the closest table and unwrapped it there still waiting for the trash can. When she was finally done she turned toward me and her eyeballs popped out of her head and she said with her teeth all clenched up "I'm sitting there." Apparently I had sat my stuff right where she was planning on having her lunch while I was waiting for her. I said, "Sorry...I was just waiting for the trash can...I'm moving." She didn't move at all or tuck her eyes back in her head and said "I'm sitting HERE." I kind of laughed at her because at this point she was clearly and undeniably psychotic and socially retarded. I left her alone and she ate all by herself as it seemed no one else wanted to sit next to her. Every time I've seen her since then she looks at me like she's both scared and angry and it always makes me laugh. Some people are special. She only looks like she's in her 40's so she's not one of the crazy older people that work there...not sure what's going on there.

--Reid has made some really yummy REAL mashed potatoes a couple of times now. He got a bag of potatoes for under $2.00 I think. He was really excited about it. He's been such a good boy babying me as I whine and don't feel good. I love you Reid!

This is already too long for people to want to read it so I'll shush.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Some things that annoy me are as follows:

--This stupid computer I'm on and it's inability to function properly. It told me it autosaved a draft for this blog I just wrote (right as I hit publish post), but turns out the last time it saved was an hour and twenty minutes ago. So that was some excellent time wasted. I love when blogger lies to me.

--When you look on the back of the book to see what it is about and all it has are reviews and/or descriptions of why the author is a great author. Also, when you for some reason have not given up on finding out what the book is about and flip to the inside jacket and find more blah blah blah about the author or a 10 year old picture of them when they were skinnier and had hair. Why would I buy a book when I don't know what it's about?? The cover art would have to be magnificent.

--Not having any money in which to buy gifts for family for the holidays. The one year I finally have learned to wrap presents and I have none to wrap. Hope you are excited about the matching crochet mittens and ear muffs I'm making for you Dad! Just kidding. I wouldn't do that to you (unless I was a really fast crocheter and could whip them out in a day...then I would do it just for the mere 30 seconds in which you first open them and have to pretend that you like them...that would be enjoyable...your favorite color is pink, right?).

--Having 3 jobs.

--People who complain about the free gift wrapping I am doing for them or telling me I'm doing it wrong. I took a 1.5 hour gift wrapping training course...I am soooo an expert.

--Being in constant pain and having the only people that can supposedly help me (the GI clinic) tell me that the earliest appointment they can get me into is February 12th at 7:45am. I told them that since my pain seems to be getting worse on a daily basis that I would probably be dead by then, but they could go ahead and pencil me in anyway and if I were to die I would at least be giving my appointment to someone else. Maybe. I then told the lady that I knew I was being over dramatic and that I know it is not her fault.

There were more negative things that were lost that I can't remember. On the plus side we have a nice smelling real Christmas tree and Kona and Zoey only almost knock it over like twice a day. Zoey thinks it is her hiding place since she can fit under it and Kona doesn't know that she doesn't fit under it. The Burke Museum had their annual holiday party last night that I was able to go to. It was actually a lot more fun than I had anticipated. I entered a silent auction and 'won'! I paid $2.50 for a cute little dinosaur toy for Chrissy's baby. It was an auction for stingy people. It was an auction I could afford. The sad part was that I didn't even have that much cash on me, so I had to write a check.

Ok bed time.