Saturday, April 4, 2009


I'm not sure if I fully understand what's going on yet...but I'm all signed up! Ok, so I'm positive I don't fully understand. The basic idea is that I can write little updates about what I'm doing or thinking all the time without having to post an entire blog. I can also do it from my cell phone!

The top right hand side of my blog is where my twitter updates will show up. I'm still working on the formatting, but it seems to be limited because I have a preset format to my blog, but it's probably just me limiting myself with my lack of programming skills. It should show up with the 3 most recent posts. I think the only way to see my previous posts will be to go to my twitter page

It's just something new and something fun (I think). Everyone else should get twitter too so that I can stalk you all as well! And so that you guys can figure out how to work it better than me and then you can explain it to me. :)

My museum has a twitter too! There are some 'celebrities' that have twitter as well that everyone can read. Some of the celebrities I'm reading are David Hewlett and his sister Kate, Michael Ian Black, and Rainn Wilson (Dwight from The Office). There are a lot of other celebrities that have it to, but their's weren't as interesting to me (meaning not that funny).

Anyways, that's it for now!