Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pedestrian Problems

Something that annoys me with walking along the sidewalks of the UW is when you come across a group of friends or whatever that insists on walking in a line. Not single file, mind you, but side by side 4 or 5 people wide which causes them to take up the entire sidewalk. This in itself is inconsiderate, but what is more annoying is when you are walking toward them and they don't break apart, expecting you to walk in the road to go around them. I'm just whining now. It happened to me today, but I wasn't about to jump into oncoming traffic so they could left/right flirt with eachother. I just kept walking until they realized at the last second that they had to break apart. I made some pretty good shoulder slamming physical contact with a girl that was wearing too much perfume and makeup, but I just kept on walking as if nothing happened...just as they would have if I had to jump into traffic. The only situation in which walking in this manner is justified is depicted below.

On my way down the stairs from campus my foot was hovering in mid-step when an overweight campus rat darted out of the brush beside the stairs to right where my foot was about to step. My foot barely missed his tail. This is much more dramatic if you imagine stringed instruments and a slow motion zoomed in camera shot happening during this 'incident'. Note: I deem almost all wildlife on campus overweight. Also, there are 113 stairs that I go up and down every day that I work at the museum. End note.

1 comment:

Teenkurbelle said...

I used to get a good kick out of busting through groups that walked like that. Kudos to you for standing up for your right to walk on the sidewalk too! :) haha