It is June 6th. It is currently 57 degrees. I'm wearing sweats and my slippers and I'm covered in a blanket. I have to say I'm still a bit chilly. There's really not much more to say.
You should have been here today. We got up to 80. In fact, I put shorts on. It got up to 78 in the house but was pleasant with the breeze so didn't turn the air conditioner on.
I'm Melissa. Now that's new information eh? I currently live in Wyoming with my husband Reid and two dogs. I talk a lot. I talk fast (nothing has changed). I don't like being on the computer without background noise, but not usually noise that comes from the computer itself. This blog is solely for my own amusement/selfish purposes. If you don't get something it is probably that I am referencing an inside joke that I have with myself.
wow when I opened your blog I though I had accidently gone the the NWS website or something
You should have been here today. We got up to 80. In fact, I put shorts on. It got up to 78 in the house but was pleasant with the breeze so didn't turn the air conditioner on.
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