So there will probably be only one or two people that read this that will know who I am talking about, but on June 29th actor Don S. Davis passed away due to a massive heart attack. This depresses me more than it should and warranted several texts to some friends with large quantities of sad faces. Don S. Davis played General Hammond on my favorite show Stargate and also played Scully's dad on my past favorite show X-Files. I never met him or anything, but through watching A LOT of dvd extras (and watching the show for 10 years) and behind the scene interviews he really seemed like a true gentleman and an awesome guy. RIP Don S. Davis--wish there were more people like you in the world.
This morning I started to ride the bus again. Gas is too expensive so I gots myself a bus pass. There is a park and ride about 6 minutes from the house. Well, not so much as an official park and ride as a church parking lot that allows commuters to park there on the weekdays (not like they're using the lot, right?) which I find very nice. It's about a half hour bus ride and I'm very happy I don't get motion sickness so I can read while on the bus. Also, its really nice to not have to pay attention to rush hour traffic.
Yesterday the temperature was in the mid 80's so Reid and I took the puppies to the creek that's behind the house. Its not directly behind the house as you have to take a few different roads to get there, but it is in the same general direction. Kona loved it, not a surprise. Zoey loved it too! It was very cute. She forged the creek like a champion and was very proud of herself. She was almost to the point of swimming. Not on purpose of course, but she had a tendency of just walking and not watching where she was going so she would be hitting deeper parts on accident and hence almost swimming.
I have a lot of pictures from Georgia that I didn't post--mostly out of laziness and how a lot of pictures I take need an explanation of some sort. Maybe I'll post them. No promises. While Chrissy and I were in Georgia Reid let me use his flickr account. I have my own special folder just for that vacation that you are welcome to look at HERE
This morning I started to ride the bus again. Gas is too expensive so I gots myself a bus pass. There is a park and ride about 6 minutes from the house. Well, not so much as an official park and ride as a church parking lot that allows commuters to park there on the weekdays (not like they're using the lot, right?) which I find very nice. It's about a half hour bus ride and I'm very happy I don't get motion sickness so I can read while on the bus. Also, its really nice to not have to pay attention to rush hour traffic.
Yesterday the temperature was in the mid 80's so Reid and I took the puppies to the creek that's behind the house. Its not directly behind the house as you have to take a few different roads to get there, but it is in the same general direction. Kona loved it, not a surprise. Zoey loved it too! It was very cute. She forged the creek like a champion and was very proud of herself. She was almost to the point of swimming. Not on purpose of course, but she had a tendency of just walking and not watching where she was going so she would be hitting deeper parts on accident and hence almost swimming.
I have a lot of pictures from Georgia that I didn't post--mostly out of laziness and how a lot of pictures I take need an explanation of some sort. Maybe I'll post them. No promises. While Chrissy and I were in Georgia Reid let me use his flickr account. I have my own special folder just for that vacation that you are welcome to look at HERE
Ignore the face. I was workin' it.
oh.. baby.. baby.. how I want you so... ;-)
Don S. sad....
I got that fry sauce you wanted!
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