Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kids May Love Dinosaurs.....

But dinosaurs love kids more.... (insert scene from Jurassic Park with Lex and the jiggly jello spoon after seeing the velociraptor shadows and then the t-rex attacking the children through the giant glass sunroof of the cars....all done with the movie announcer's dramatic voice). This is an advertisement I saw on the SciFi channel yesterday. I found it hilarious. For once Reid was actually amused at the same time and for the same reason as I was. I also found it was funny that they're making a semi-big deal about playing Jurassic Park on the SciFi channel when the movie came out 15 years ago.

Anyways, I had one of my more accomplished Wednesdays yesterday. Wednesdays I only work 6am to 9:30am (or a little later) at Office Depot. I got out about an hour late and then went to Fred Meyer for a little grocery shopping (and I needed shampoo and soaps which are a bit cheaper there than at the grocery store). I got onto the escalator in front of an older gentleman (maybe in his 70s) and he was trying to be charming saying (loudly) how lucky he was to be the only one on the escalator with me. And then there was a creepy guy in the frozen food aisle that said "Hey from Woodinville? I think I've seen you around..." I did not find this as charming as he looked to be in his forties and was trying to put on the sly smile (which did not work due to his very yellow teeth).

So that was Fred Meyer....then I got home and called the bank and had them change my address to where I actually live instead of having all my mail go to Father Dearest's house. You're welcome Dad! I made other phone calls to services that are boring and not worth more than this sentence. Then I read a little bit...and then watched What Not to Wear where I fell asleep for a couple of hours without having disturbing dreams which was a nice change.

After Reid got home we decided to cut the dog's nails. Ok, so WE did not decide this, but I have known for some time now that the doggies could use a pedicure. Needless to say this took us over an hour! Oh my gosh what the heck were we doing, right? Well our dogs are wussies. I decided to do Kona's first because I figured she would be less dramatic and I could practice (since I have never trimmed doggy nails before). Reid had to put his entire body weight on her to hold her still after the first paw. She wasn't whining or anything...just extra flinchy which of course is not optimal nail cutting conditions. Reid was feeding her treats the whole time so eventually we got her all done. Zoey was the pain in the butt. For a 17 pound dog I swear she could probably escape a bear if the bear decided not to use its claws or teeth. She is ridiculously strong and resourceful. She is also ridiculously dramatic--yipping without me actually even touching her paw. It was SO annoying. Her nails of course were much thinner and easier to cut, but the struggle to get to the cutting part was the problem. I did make one of Zoey's nails bleed (but I had the powder so it was ok) because she squirmed at the wrong time. For her last paw she was being such a pain we wrapped her in a blanket and had her one back leg sticking out. Reid couldn't manage to hold her and at this point I just gave up so she has just one little claw that is uncut. It's her extra long velociraptor claw.

The whole evening I was watching a Ghost Hunters marathon which was great!! It made me happy. One of the episodes was the one where they visited the Stanley Hotel in Colorado which was Steven King's inspiration for The Shining. One of the best episodes ever. My biggest problem with Ghost Hunters is Reid. He is a non believer. It bothers me much more than it should. All I ask is that he is open to the possibility of ghosts or paranormal--not necessarily believe in them, BUT every awesome thing on the show that they find as proof Reid rolls his eyes at. He says he just does it to bother me, but I feel that it is just an added bonus for him and not the sole reason. So he's the skeptic Scully and I'm the believer Mulder. I'm supposed to be the sexy red head dammit! Rant over.


Reid said...

HAHA nice!

Teenkurbelle said...

Wow.. sounds like I should teach you guys how to cut nails... haha

Anonymous said...

Get one of these