Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturdays are Sundays

Right now my days off are Friday and Saturday which shifts the idea of what I call a weekend. It's not so bad. At least I get two days off in a row. One of the sucky things is that most of the people I would hang out with have the whole Saturday and Sunday off days. Saturday night is the hang out time, but I'm lame and I work Sunday mornings so I always hang back. Sundays aren't the worst Monday because I work only one job and it's the museum, so I get to gently ease my way into my work week. Really the only stress that can come on a Sunday is that the weekends have a lot more visitors and then we have dinosaur birthday parties that also run at the same time. I don't think we'll have birthday parties tomorrow since it is one of our special days called "Mushroom Maynia." It's a special day with a mushroom theme, obviously. I wonder if they'll cater it for the employees? They do that sometimes on special days. That would be nice.

So Chrissy called me this morning to tell me that coincidentally before she had even read my previous blog post where I complain about my vision, she had gone to the optometrist this morning. She had all the same symptoms and complaints that I had and apparently it turns out that she has a mild astigmatism in both eyes and will now need to wear permanent glasses. My guess is that this will be the outcome of my yet to be scheduled visit to the optometrist, but maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. We're very twinny sometimes.

That phone conversation caused my cell phone to beep its 'I'm dying' beep about an hour later, which is ridiculous considering the phone had been charging all night and that was the first conversation I had had. It's a very dramatic phone. It thinks its over worked. Reid and I need a new phone plan and cell phones anyway as ours changes at the end of the month.

I'm learning a lot from I heart the 80's on VH1. For example, I did not know that Jaws III was made as a 3-D movie. I always thought it looked a little funny. Mom used to make us watch quality films like that all the time.

1 comment:

Chris Allen said...

That's funny. After you guys talked on the phone, Chrissy came inside and watched "I loved the 80s 3D" as well!